Cover versions, mash-ups, reinterpretations, remixes, reimaginations, reincarnations. The essence of creativity is taking two existing units of meaning and pushing them together like tectonic plates to push up new matter from what lies beneath.
Great cover versions involve a singer/band taking on an unexpected song, often outside their regular category to give the known a fresh perspective. In the clash between 2 famous entities magic can happen.
What if you brand 'did' an unlikely, but fantastically genius cover version. Which song would it be and why? Perhaps this is a way of gettig past the usual category dogma and onto pastures new.
For inspiration,
check out this article of the top 50 cover versions of all time. Here's a choice observation from the write-up of The Flying Lizards electro revisiting of the rock'n'roll classic, 'Money (that's what I want)' : "
Deborah Evans speaks the lyrics deadpan, in the style of an upper-class English dominatrix. Key moment: The way Evans sounds as if she's going to come to your house, whip in hand, and retrieve the cash personally.'